Regardless of the reasons, it’s pretty inarguable that Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is about as popular in 2021 as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in 2018. Just 2 weeks ago, Marjorie Taylor Greene (who the other media folk have given the super neat nickname of MTG) was the subject of a resolution in the House of Representatives to get her stripped of committee duties after a long, long list of anti-democracy actions were brought to the...

Ten days after assuming the office of the president of the United States, Joe Biden has already signed 42 (at the time of this being published) executive orders. This is more than any other president has done in that timeframe, and more than any of the first 15 presidents enacted during their entire tenure. Ulysses S. Grant, the 15th president, was the first to eclipse the 100 mark, but the floodgates of executive orders really...

The right is very quick to defend Trump when he is accused of being racist, probably because no one wants to hear the words “you voted for a racist.” But guess what? Biden is racist, too. And so am I, and there is a good chance you are as well, to some extent.  It’s due to implicit biases ingrained in us by what we perceive as “normal” when we are young. For Biden and Trump’s...

Unless you manufacture hand sanitizer or work in healthcare, there’s a chance you were faced with some employment-related uncertainty at one point or another during the COVID-19 pandemic and the wonder year that was 2020. For a lot of industries, most changes were one-time, followed by a period allowing for adaptability and, eventually, the new normalcy that was spoken of a lot at the beginning of the stay-at-home orders.  One industry that did not have...

DomesticPOLITICSAmerican Coup

4 years ago81415 min

As a country we are in a state of emergency; however, none of this should come as a surprise since it has been escalating steadily for the last four years. All of the distrust, lies, and purposeful public manipulation from Donald Trump has finally bubbled over. For those in Washington who sat, watched, and enabled him were playing with fire the whole time. They deserve to get burned. On January 6th, a day after Georgia’s...

On Christmas morning of 2020, a 63-year old domestic terrorist completed a suicide bombing outside of AT&T’s central office in Nashville, Tennessee. Many outlets are saying this man “died during the blast” because he was a white, American male, but he was no less of a terrorist than anyone else, born here or not, who tried to end American lives because of an unrelenting belief in what he was taught.  What is a Terrorist? As...

The U.S. response to the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t been particularly fantastic, primarily due to a lack of preparation and an unwillingness to make human safety non-political, but there’s still hope for a successful rollout of a vaccine, and plenty of reasons for optimism. One way to know when Uncle Sam has a solid plan is when he gives something a really cool name like “Operation Desert Storm” or “GITMO,” and the vaccine rollout falls right...

As someone who pursued a degree in print journalism in the 2010s, it probably comes as no surprise that I have a lot of bartending experience. I worked in the service industry for the majority of my twenties, and though I can put myself in the shoes of restaurant staff members who have to deal with horrible customers, I can’t even begin to imagine dealing with the pandemic, and the frequently changing doses of government...

DomesticPOLITICSSafer Spaces

4 years ago1100611 min

Though the phrase “fake news” can be traced all the way back to the 1800s, it sure made quite a resurgence in the last 4 years, and will most likely be synonymous with the Trump presidency long after it’s over.  It was originally used to debunk actual fake stories that people created for a buzz, but when Trump uses the phrase, it tends to mean any news that doesn’t paint him in a positive light....

Trump was famous pretty much since birth, but even with zingers like “Grab her by the [mom might read this]” and “Lock Her Up,” “You’re Fired” is still his most popular catch phrase thanks to his primetime television show The Apprentice, one of the many qualifying jobs he had before assuming the presidency of the most powerful country in the world.  In addition to taking the drama of a reality TV show to the White...