This is it, the final episode of Cursed Films. It’s been a journey. Especially interesting now because I believe the order that they have the episodes for the Shudder extension on Amazon in the wrong order. When I cross-referenced the episodes on Amazon with the actual Shudder website and IMDB I saw that episodes two and three had been flipped on Amazon and I actually reviewed the episodes out of order. Luckily this isn’t McMillions...

Another week in quarantine and another episode of Shudder’s Cursed Film. The film’s subject for this episode is The Crow, another movie that I had not seen until now. As always I feel that I must give a quick review to the subject film. The Crow is incredible. Though it’s backstory might be tragic (which we will be talking about later), it feels like a love letter to a man that should’ve been a star,...

Cursed Films is back! This episode has The Omen as it’s subject, a film that I actually haven’t seen before this episode. I did watch it before I watched this episode and The Omen ISSSSS… okay. It’s well directed but there isn’t really that interesting of a story and kind of wish that there was some more emotion to the film. All my feelings on The Omen actually sum up my feelings of this episode...

As we are all still stuck at home and still glued to our television sets, I have continued on this Marvel journey. And let me tell you, this is not an easy feat. Since beginning this journey more lists have appeared with slight variations to the timeline. Is the timeline I’m following correct? I have no idea! Does it truly matter in the grand Marvel scheme of things? Probably not. The movies are in correct...

Good day horror fans. Back with another review of an episode of Cursed Films. This time the episode focuses on the classic film Poltergeist. A stupid, non scary, and at times poorly acted film that I fucking love. Seriously, I think this movie is one the most ridiculous and fun horror movies from the 1980s. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. It certainly hasn’t aged well in some parts (many film directors at the...

The world is fucked right now. So instead of going out and getting sick just watch some TV. That’s what I did. My editor asked me if I had a subscription to horror streaming service, Shudder. I then remembered that I got it for Creepshow back in October, forgot about it, and kept paying for it without using it. Boy, am I smart! My editor then asked me if I had watched their new series, Cursed Films. While I...

Since the governor issued the Shelter in Place order, I have been home all day long as many other Californians and basically everyone around the globe. I am lucky that I still have my job and have the capabilities to work from home but aside from working from 8:00 to 5:00, I have been doing all I can to keep myself sane and occupied. As a preferred homebody, I am basically thriving. I have been...

It’s really hard to pull off good monsters. It can be expensive, time consuming, and can take a lot of creativity. Then way back in the 1930s someone at Universal Studios got tired of doing Frankenstein-esque makeup and decided to say: “Fuck it! Let’s just make them invisible!” Thus came to the original Universal adaptation of H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man in 1933 in this totally true story that you shouldn’t look up. There have...

Several years ago, before the #Metoo movement had picked up speed Harvey Weinstein was known as one of if not the most powerful Producers in the world. “Me Too” began as an online phrase to empower victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault to come forward and tell their stories. This movement gained momentum and uncovered many chilling stories of people in power, the highest profile becoming Harvey Weinstein. Harvey and his brother co-founded Miramax...

Birds of Prey begins with a lively and snarky animated backstory told by Harley herself featuring some of Harley Quinn’s most famous moments and costumes. After the quick recap of what she’s been up too, Harley lets the audience know that she and the Joker broke up. For the first time in a long time, Harley Quinn is now out on her own and struggling with her new found identity. The comic relief continues to...