LIFESTYLEDecember Monthly Horoscope

Happy holidays, my cosmic loves! Please read your sun and your ascendant sign for maximum accuracy. Your sun sign is the sign you likely already know, determined by your date of birth. If you don’t know your ascendant / rising sign, if you know the time you were born, a quick Google search can illuminate it for you.   Aries – As the days get shorter and shorter and we approach winter solstice, you may...
Haley Comet5 years ago182234 min

Happy holidays, my cosmic loves! Please read your sun and your ascendant sign for maximum accuracy. Your sun sign is the sign you likely already know, determined by your date of birth. If you don’t know your ascendant / rising sign, if you know the time you were born, a quick Google search can illuminate it for you.


Aries –

As the days get shorter and shorter and we approach winter solstice, you may be finding yourself fairly low energy, rams. Your ruler Mars kicks off December transiting Pisces in your 12th house, so you are more apt to daydream, spend time alone or sleep. Mars meets up with Chiron, the archetype of the wounded  healer, so you may begin the month becoming more aware of some heartbreak or disappointment that you’ve endured this year. Allow yourself to rest, rejuvenate and heal these wounds so you can start 2019 feeling fresh and light. You’ll be feeling more like yourself mid-month, when the cosmos gifts us a burst of fiery, enthusiastic energy when Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 12th of the month. A travel or learning opportunity could emerge around December 21st when Mercury meets up with Jupiter in your 9th house – and you should take it! It’ll be an expansive, broad opportunity for you. This is visionary energy – start to visualize where you’d like your 2019 to go.


As you move towards the end of the year, things get a bit intense as we move into the first eclipse season since the nodes shifted into Capricorn and Cancer. The full moon in Cancer on the 22nd will illuminate your 4th house, so a revelation or epiphany around home or family could come your way by the end of the month. Since Capricorn season represents your 10th house realm of work, career and reputation, you may be feeling torn between responsibilities at work and at home. With your North Node going into Cancer, you are being asked to prioritize family for the next year and a half – so soak up all that quality time with your family around the menorah or Christmas tree this month!


Taurus –

Taurus, the pace of your life is quickening as your ruler, Venus, clears her shadow from her retrograde. This planet of art, beauty and love is transiting your 7th house of one to one contacts, so December could be an opportunity to spend more quality time with your beloved or meet someone new! With Mercury in your 8th house giving you clarity in shared resources and Venus transiting your 7th house of other people, allowing you to attract prosperous new partners, if a business deal comes up, take it! It’ll be a profitable decision.


The sun enters Capricorn on December 22nd, which provides some grounded, earthy energy as you ease your way into the new year. You’ll be in a powerful position to visualize what you’d like your 2019 to look like, with sun illuminating your 9th house of higher learning, travel and luck. What will 2019 bring – a trip? A new degree? With the eclipses triggering your 3rd and 9th houses, you may feel magnetically drawn to a new traveling opportunity, a certification program or a new skill you want to learn – embrace those impulses, bulls!


Gemini –

If you’ve been feeling a little stagnant, Gemini, you have  your ruler, Mercury to blame. It has been moving backwards and when our ruler is retrograde, we tend to feel a bit slower as a result. You can expect events to quicken around the 6th of the month, when Mercury moves direct. Gemini is a sign known for their busy mental energy so not being able to depend on your razor sharp mind in November could have been extremely frustrating – but towards mid month, you’ll find yourself as witty, sharp and intelligent as ever, especially at work or in your daily routines!


Your ruler enters Sagittarius on the 12th of the month, which represents your 7th house of other people, so you may be feeling extra social towards the end of the month. You all are about learning and soaking up information via osmosis, so you could make some pivotal connections towards the end of the month, whether they are for friendship, business or romance. Jupiter is in this sector of your chart as well, so the people who enter your life this month could be extremely expansive – like your lucky charm! The Cancer full moon eclipse will be in your second house, so you could receive news around your job, finances or an item you have. Since this is the beginning of eclipse season, pay attention to what comes up for you around finances and possessions around the 22nd of the month – it’ll give clues to what this eclipse story will be for you.



Cancer, you all are the sign of the zodiac that rules home, so you all tend to be homebodies. With the chilly weather in December, you may feel drawn to spend more time curling up at home. However, with the North Node in your sign and the end of December triggering the first of your eclipse season, this is your time to be out in the world, in the limelight! You may have some powerful revelations around the 22nd of the month. The end of the month could represent a powerful axis between self and others – be mindful of how you give away your power to others. If you keep the peace between you and someone else, but lose your inner harmony, it is a loss. It is an act of self care and self love to create distance between those you threaten your inner peace. Pay attention to what occurs at the end of the month, as the first eclipse of the Cancer / Capricorn eclipses will set the tone for what will occur over the next year and a half.

Lean on your intuition in December, Cancers. You have a water grand trine between Mercury and Venus in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces to your planets in Cancer, offering some powerfully healing waters. Pay attention to your intuition, be gentle with your emotions, make time for the activities that spiritually renew you and if you get a bad vibe about someone, TRUST IT. Wishing you happy holidays and a happy New Year!


Leo –

Leos, Sagittarius season is where the FUN is! Your ruler, the sun, burns its way through your fifth house the first part of the month, the house your sign naturally rules. Fifth house is the domain of partying, entertainment, flirting, creativity – if it’s a fun time, it’s in the fifth house! Spend the first part of December loading up your social calendar with fun event –  throw a white elephant party, get out your art easel, redownload Tinder – this is a playful, creative, light-hearted energy for you all. With Jupiter there as well, just make sure you don’t go overboard with the partying – moderation, lions!


You can feel a slight dampening in your playful spirit as we shift into Capricorn season December 22nd. Capricorn season is about hard work, building something with structure and substance in your life. It transits your 6th house of work obligations, health and routine, so you may be playing catch up from all of the fun in the first part of the month. The Cancer full moon eclipse on December 22nd illuminates the sector of your chart ruling what’s under the surface so a secret may bubble towards the surface. Be gentle with yourself, Leos if you need more time alone at home to connect with your spirituality – your spiritual connection can be your guiding light as you enter 2019 feeling more in tune with your intuition.


Virgo –

December begins at a slower pace than you’d prefer, you busy bodies. Your ruler is still retrograde so you may be feeling like you’re crawling forward as a snail’s pace. Expect a breath of fresh air on December 6th when Mercury heads direct in Scorpio. With the Sagittarius new moon on the 6th and the Sun and Jupiter also in this sector, you might be feeling drawn to more internal matters, revolving around home and family. Make your intentions around your kitchen remodeling project, prioritizing more family time in 2019 or just being more emotionally supportive for yourself. You all are a perfectionist, workaholic energy so perhaps you use the new moon energy to make a declaration to find balance within your work and your rest, what you need to take care of yourself.


You’ll be feeling more grounded on the 22nd, when Capricorn season begins, setting up a season of making some lovely trines to your Virgo planets. Chiron goes direct in Pisces in your 7th house of other people, so December may stir up some old ex baggage you forgot about. But Virgos, before you dial that phone – this is not an opportunity to hash things out with people from your past, rather heal from the experience altogether. Cloudy Neptune is fogging up this house as well, so you likely aren’t seeing people from your past clearly. Think of December of the catharsis, all these memories bubbling to the surface so you can finally clear them away and draw in something new to your experience.  The feels continue with the full moon on the 22nd of the month, which illuminates your 11th house. This moon kicks off eclipse season, and your 11th house of groups, organizations and friendships is a sector of life you’re being asked to dive into for the year and a half while these Capricorn / Cancer eclipses occur. Pay attention to what comes up around friends towards the end of the month.


Libra –

My balanced scales, happy holidays! Aren’t the holidays just always such a hectic time? You’ll be feeling that frenzy even more so, particularly towards the beginning of the month, so you’ll be working to balance out all of your priorities. Sagittarius season illuminates your 3rd house of communication, neighborhood and skills, so you may find some nervous energy and the need to pour it into socializing and perhaps a new hands on skill! Mars is supercharging your 6th house of work responsibilities, errands and health, giving you insane willpower to tackle your holiday to-do list. Where Mars transits in our chart, we devote a lot of our time and energy towards – so you’ll be more apt to hit the ground running with your holiday shopping list!


The pace slows for you on winter solstice, when the sun shifts into Capricorn, illuminating your 4th house. Soak up every moment of family time the holiday season represents. This sector of your chart also stands for emotional state, so perhaps you devote some time to your mental health, just making sure you’re feeling physically, emotionally and spiritually nourished. You may receive some news around your career on the 22nd, with the full moon in the most public part of your chart. Since this is the first of the eclipses in this new Capricorn / Cancer axis, this news could set the tone for the next year and a half – take the professional opportunity if it comes up. Now that’s the way to start the new year!


Scorpio –

Scorpions, you all have been through a lot the past few months – with not one, but TWO planets on their retrograde journey in your sign. When Mercury heads direct on the 6th of the month, the energy will ease up and you’ll be gifted with some forward momentum. Venus and Mercury will both be in Scorpio, so you’ll be seen for your mercurial and venusian qualities – ie being seen as very intelligent (Mercury) and very beautiful and artistic (Venus). If you’ve been waiting to debut a new poem, a new project or a new piece of art, the first half of December offers a potent opportunity for you to be seen for your gifts.


Eclipse season starts on the 22nd, triggering your 9th and 3rd houses. With the Cancer full moon landing in the part of your chart that rulers faraway travel, you may have a powerful epiphany that you want to book a trip to Bali, or enroll in a Master’s program, or go on a spiritual retreat in 2019. This is the house that rules expansion of our world – and these eclipses that transpire over the next year and a half will be whispering in your eye for you to widen your perspective, through traveling, learning or moving. 2019 has big things for you Scorpions, but it’s up to you to take that first initial step towards a new self and a new vision.


Sagittarius –

Happy birthday, archers! Your birthday present: Mercury will go direct on December 6th! Since it’s been dragging backwards through your sign for the majority of its retrograde journey, there may have been some blunders around your communicative processing and the truth coming out.  On December 12, Mercury re-enters Sagittarius, but you’ll be feeling much more clear-headed this time around. Your mercurial tendencies will be on full display in December and meeting up in the sky with your ruler Jupiter, giving you a lucky break around your intellect, writing or communication. If you have a chance to present a work project, share a piece of writing you’re working on or write your final paper, Mercury will be supporting you, especially around the 21st!


Typically, we save our New Year’s Resolutions for the 1st of the year, but consider shifting your revelations early to December 6! This potent new moon will be in your sign and offers a powerful opportunity to set the tone for what you wish to manifest for the next six months. Capricorn season begins on the 21st, which illuminates your 2nd house of money so you may be entering 2019 focusing on getting your finances in order. The Cancer full moon on the 22nd will land in the part of your chart that rules money that comes to you from others – so you could be gifted with a particularly prosperous holiday present or receive some news around alimony or child support.


Capricorn –

Mountain goats, December kicks off your birthday season AND eclipse season. As we wrap up the year in your sign and move into your birthday season, you may be feeling a bit more secretive and quiet as the new moon on December 6th falls in your 12th house of solitude and subconscious programming. This is a beautiful time to set intentions for your inner world.


The focus shifts more into the people in your life towards the end of the month. You’ll be more apt to dedicate time to your community with Mars and Neptune meeting up in your 3rd house of neighborhood and those around you and with Mercury and Venus in your 11th house of groups, organizations and friends. If you’ve been looking for a community of like-minded individuals, this conjunction could support you in finding your tribe. Sun shifts into Capricorn on December 21st, kicking off your birthday season (happy birthday!). Your birthday will start with a bang with a Cancer full moon eclipse on December 22nd, illuminating the sector of your chart ruling other people. You could receive some news around your romantic relationship or a business partnership. Here’s a powerful 2019 of climbing your way to the top as always, goats!


Aquarius –

Happy holidays, water bearers! You’re entering December with your mind on your money and your money on your mind. Where Mars is transiting through our chart supercharges this sector of life with energy and enthusiasm. This red planet will be in your 2nd house of money you earn and possessions, so you will find that you are powerfully motivated to get your finances booming before the end of the year. With that financial ambition, though, you also may spend more money than you intended to on holiday presents for your loved ones. Stick to a budget, write out a list and follow it – with Mars meeting up with Neptune in your 2nd house, you may feel some cloudiness around your finances. Neptune is a compassionate energy, but it also fogs the house it’s in – trying to stay on top of your money before you find yourself shelling out more cashola than you intended to!


The energy slows down towards the end of the year, when the sun begins to transit your 12th house of isolation. Allow the winter solstice to draw you into your solitude – we are cyclical human beings, and it’s okay to not be productive 24/7. This time of the year is meant to conserve energy and rest – give yourself that gift of some stillness so when Mars enters your 3rd house on the 31st, you’re rested enough to be more social and expand your world.


Pisces –

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but Piscean’s December astrology is so delightful! You’re normally quite content to hide away in your dream world, fish, but December offers a powerful opportunity for you to heal past hurts that hold you back then catapult into reaching new professional and social goals. Chiron goes direct in your sign on the 8th, and when a celestial body changes direction, we tend to feel its influence more intensely. Chiron rules the part of us that is wounded and you may be reminded of some of the pain you’ve undergone this year. However, with this reminder, brings an opportunity for transmutation and transformation. Chiron trines both Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, which is an energy interested in transformation. If you allow yourself some space and some self care towards the beginning of the month, you’ll find you’ll be able to truly cleanse what has happened in your world this year and heal from it. My Pisces creators, if you feel called to, write or create your art to transmute what you’ve gone through so you can enter the new year ready to powerfully create some fresh new energy.


Mars will be in your sign for the majority of the month, so you’ll find heaps of drive, determination and ambition this month, fish. Roll with it and utilize the energy. Expect some forward motion in career matters as Mercury and Jupiter meet up in your 10th house this month. Around the 21st of the month, you’ll be especially supported if you have a project or proposal to present at work. These two planets will ensure it is received well and you can put forth your best, most thorough offering. The sun shifts into Capricorn on the 22nd of the month, illuminating the part of your chart ruling friends, groups and organizations. Load up your social calendar with some business and networking opportunities towards the end of the year so you can catapult yourself to a powerfully abundant 2019!

Written by Haley Comet

Haley Comet

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